6' 0" height, 210 pounds weight

183 cm height, 95 kg weight (15 stone)

Unfortunately in the dark, you can't see that I'm being attacked by a giant wooden bear.
Greg Strong

Are you still looking for pictures for your weight/height chart? How about this one?
I'm 6'0" tall and 215lbs

Anticipated Thanks,

Chris  6'0 210

Hi! My boyfriend and I are interested in participating in your height/weight photo chart. 
  He is 6'0" and weighs 210 (A slot I noticed you hadn't filled!)
Good luck with the project!

I noticed you didn't have an entry for 6' and 210#, so I wanted to correct that. Thanks for the site!

Cool chart. I'd love to be in it. My name is Stephen, and I'm 6'0" and 216 pounds.

See a bunch of nearby weights at 6' 0" height

back to the photographic height / weight chart | BMI - Body Mass Index | Age Chart: 1-100