Dwight Shrute Bobblehead Costume

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In the morning, I surveyed my monster. I hope no one notices this thing is cockeyed.

Actually, I just needed to strengthen the rim around the bottom.

The next evening, I strengthened and cleaned up the opening.

I was very pleased with the progress.

It looked as though it had been carved out of Raggedy Ann granite.

I gathered 43 cans of old latex paint out of the garage and tried to mix up some pale flesh color for the face and a chocolate brown for the hair.

I should try making a giant skull some time.



I didn't get the color I wanted, but I kept painting anyway, just because I wanted to get a better idea of how the skin would look. I probably should have just stopped and waited to buy the right paint.


His skin was purple!

The next day, the weather was superb, so I toyed with the head-hanging mechanism.

Now that the skin was on the chicken wire, it was somewhat more difficult to work on the inside of the head. This picture represents what it is like to be interviewed by Terry Gross.

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October 17th, 2007.  

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